State Policy Dashboard
CCAoA created a state policy dashboard to help state and national partners track state progress and have a better understanding of how states are building more equitable, accessible, and affordable child care systems. More information on how to use this tool can be found on the dashboard webpage.
Data for Change: Building Bridges Between Public Health and Early Childhood
Find our mapping tool that highlights the intersections of child care systems, health equity, and community well-being to support Local Health Departments (LHDs) and CCR&Rs in collaborative efforts to enhance child health outcomes.
Delaware Child Care Supply by Legislative District

CCAoA partnered with Rodel with support from the Alliance for Early Success to develop a Child Care Supply by State Legislative District Dashboard, an interactive mapping resource that allows users to see what child care providers are open in their district this week and who represents them in the Delaware state house and senate.
Child Care and Public Transit in Omaha & Lincoln, Nebraska: 2023

CCAoA partnered with First Five Nebraska with support from Alliance for Early Success to develop the Child Care and Public Transit Dashboard, an interactive resource that maps how close child care programs are to public transit routes in Douglas, Lancaster and Sarpy counties. Visit First Five Nebraska to learn more!
Hawai‘i Child Care Supply: A Partnered Response to the Maui Wildfires 2023

CCAoA partnered with PATCH Hawai‘i to develop a map dashboard assessing child care providers’ open and closed status and capacity during the summer 2023 wildfires with a primary focus on Maui.
Data-Driven Advocacy for Advancing Long-Term Funding for Child Care: A Texas Case Study 2022

In seeking to evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the supply of child care in Texas and the impact federal government stabilization grants had on the retention of that supply, CCAoA partnered with Children at Risk with support from Alliance for Early Success to analyze provider-level longitudinal data and present the results in a user-friendly map dashboard. We found that the sustainability grants had an outsized impact on market retention. To learn more about the dashboard findings and advocacy efforts, visit our CCAoA and Children at Risk blog!
Playspace Equity in Philadelphia, PA

CCAoA partnered with KABOOM! with support from Vanguard Strong Start for Kids to develop a story map to better understand the landscape of playspace equity in Philadelphia for children ages 0-6. We found that nearly one-third of Philadelphia’s census tracts and 40% of surveyed early childcare providers do not have access to an outdoor playground. Through a mixed-method approach of available data, interviews, and survey work, the story map and map dashboard provide a roadmap for communitites and organizations to consider equitable decision making of where to target valuable resources. Visit KABOOM! to learn more about the map’s findings!
Static Military Map

We have also collaborated internally with other CCAoA departments to develop maps. We partnered with the Military Child Care Fee Program department at CCAoA to create a static, hexagonal map showcasing the distribution of over 65,000 screened, licensed child care programs throughout the United States by zip codes. This visualization method enables us to identify geographic patterns easily.