Workplace Matching and Employee Giving

Many companies offer a matching gift program or payroll deduction to encourage employees to donate to charities with missions they are passionate about. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar and can double or even triple the impact of your gift. Every day feels like a payday when you pledge a portion of your paycheck to support Child Care Aware® of America’s (CCAoA) efforts to advance a child care system that fosters children’s growth, development and educational advancement and creates positive economic impact for families and communities.

Extend the impact of your gift; reach out to your employer to inquire about matching gift and payroll deduction options today! 

You can send the matching gift form provided by your employer to: 

  • Email to 
  • Mail to Child Care Aware of America, Attn: Development Dept., 1515 N. Courthouse Rd, 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201 
  • Or, designate CCAoA as your chosen charity by using our EIN # 94-3060756. 
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Military Families

Military Families