Yale Study on COVID-19 Transmission in U.S. Child Care Programs: Child Care Aware® of America Policy Recommendations
URL: https://www.childcareaware.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/YaleSurvey-PolicyRecommendations-10012020.pdf?hsCtaTracking=29c29c19-95e4-4a7d-bf6c-1e1e1eb09809%7Cf98e0442-d65a-4991-8b80-49ba2be6caee
Description: The survey findings illustrate that the child care sector is working hard to support families, but providers need significant help from lawmakers if they are to survive this pandemic.
Audience: Policymakers
Content Type: One-Pager
Language: English
Popular: 1
Topic: Policy
Year: 2020