
In the chaos of a disaster, children can become separated from their parents and caregivers. Up-to-date information can greatly assist in reunifying children and adults.

At a minimum, you should have a record that includes:

  • Name, date of birth, description of the child
  • A recent photograph of the child (updated every 6 months)
  • Contact information for your child care program
  • At least two emergency contact numbers for the child
  • If possible, also include an out-of-town emergency contact phone number

There are several websites that allow you to create child identification cards and emergency contact information. If you need to create these quickly, you can also create low-tech child identification/information cards. Something as simple as writing this information down on a piece of paper or note card will do. If you are able to keep pictures of the children on your mobile device, that may also come in handy during an emergency.

During a disaster, consider:

• Plastic badge holders that can be quickly pinned on child’s clothing
• Inexpensive wristbands that can include the child’s name/basic contact info
• Emergency contact information stickers on car seats (if transporting children)


National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers a free child ID kit, available in both English and Spanish

Poly Klaas Foundation offers a free kit, which includes fingerprints, DNA and emergency contact information.

Save the Children offers free child ID cards, which you can make online.

CCA Logo/Homepage link
Military Families

Military Families