Existing federal programs, including the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), provide the foundation for child care and early learning in the nation and should continue to be strengthened to meet the needs of families today. Federal funding for these programs provides families with support in accessing and affording child care. Strong funding for these programs is essential to improve the child care infrastructure in the United States. The 119th Congress has the opportunity to prioritize meaningful policy solutions which would benefit our children, families, and economy for all. Click on a link below to jump to that section.

CCAoA engages in federal policy activities to improve the state of child care across the country. This includes tracking federal legislation introduced this Congress, drafting original letters to Members of Congress and the Administration on proposed policy changes, and signing our support on letters written by coalition partners.

Federal Child Care Bills displays the federal child care bills CCAoA is currently tracking. 

Federal Sign-on and Letter Tracker displays letters that CCAoA has sent directly to Congress and the Administration and the federal coalition letters that CCAoA has signed on to. 

FY24 Wrap-Up… And on to FY25: Child Care Funding News blog provides final child care and early learning funding levels for FY24. 

CCAoA Letter to Congress on FY25 Child Care Funding was sent to Congress in November 2024 to urge for increased funding in a FY25 appropriations package.

Child Care Funding 101 brief provides a basic overview of federal child care funding and current funding levels.

Overview of Federal Child Care and Early Learning Programs brief (forthcoming) provides a summary of existing federal programs. 

CCDF 2024 Final Rule provides resources on the 2024 final rule to amend CCDF regulations

Use of Waiver Authority under CCDF White Paper provides an overview of the history of CCDBG waiver authority, different administrations’ interpretation and implementation of that authority, an analysis of states’ requests for waivers, and policy recommendations.

Child Care for Working Families Act brief provides a summary of The Child Care for Working Families Act, which would help ensure access to high-quality, affordable child care for millions of families, would greatly expand financial investment in child care at the federal level, and invest in the supply of child care.

The Strengthening Child Care Tax Credits brief provides a summary of the federal tax credits parents and businesses can take advantage of federal tax for supporting child care.  

Bipartisan Bills on Child Care Tax Credits and Workforce Support roundup provides an overview of two bipartisan bills introduced in 2024 by Senator Kaine (D-VA) and Senator Britt (R-AL).  

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